
     My Name is Syed Muhammad Syed Omar, I'm using the name Twahh al Attas here on the Internet to differentiate me with any other who has named the same.I am now 23 years old was born on 3rd Jamadi The Last in the year 1403 hijrah on Wednesday.I am currently a computer science student intended to have concentration on networking, studying in The main Campus of International Islamic University of Malaysia.I have a website which me made it for free, addressed : twahhalattas.zxq.net

     During my leisure time I would like to think about me , the wrong things I have done, my good deeds that I have to spare on right intention as not to make them useless for me in the hereafter and how to improve my self.Don't get me wrong, I am not a kind that love to put blame on myself otherwise I really think of the wrong doings that I did will put difficult on me later and have I fulfilled all the rights of everyone around me or not? I really hope I can improve my self everyday be better than yesterday, better than before,then that what's bring me to make my self as my only rival and let the others be on and got what best for them InshaAllah.



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